Gain some insights about the SCJA CX310-019 exam

Q. What are the prerequisites for the SCJA exam?

A. There is no prerequisite for the SCJA exam. However, you must be well experienced with the language before you take the exam. Even if you are new to the Java field, you can still pass the exam with self-study.

Q. What are the exam objectives?

A. The exam objectives can be found at

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Things to Know About SCJA (310-019) Exam

This test consists of multiple-choice questions. There are no case study type questions and the test is not adaptive. You will be required to attempt approximately 51 questions in 115 minutes. To pass, you need a score of 68%. The Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, ExamVersion 1.0 certification exam is meant for people who aspire to make a career in the software development industry using Java technologies. To pass this certification exam one must be well versed in: